Our legend of a manager, Iain (Pud) Ramage is retiring and will be sorely missed.
Saturday 12th March 1-4pm. All welcome.
A local poet, Burns Scott has penned a piece we have called Ode to Pud
We Wish You A Very Happy Retirement Mr Ramage, you are a legend!

Ode to Pud
It’s surplus to requirements, the Council declared,
Ladywood’s got the ‘chop’, regret can’t be spared,
The locals got together, saying they couldn’t have that,
Demolishing our Centre, what are they playing at…
The Fearnleys, Saltouns, Stalkers, and many others et al,
Quickly formed a Group, hoping to stall,
The Councils decision, and pray for reprieve,
But their mind was made up, now, it’s hard to believe…
But digging their heels in, the Group pushed to enquire,
If the Centre could be leased, for that was their desire,
A positive response, was the outcome from negotiation,
2007 seen the rise of our Community Foundation…
Run by the Community for the Community, was the motto adopted,
With volunteer management, and other volunteers Co-opted,
March 2007, I personally recall,
We first opened our doors, to see who would call…
BUT, here is the reason for this long winded ode,
Pud’s appointment as Manager, was the start of the road,
For the Centre’s success, came through his dedication,
By making the Centre, peoples favourite location…
Adopting a programme, that would suit all who attended,
Whether adults or children, a welcome was extended,
Could mention all Clubs, he has formed to date,
These mentioned on Website, interested!, Don’t hesitate…
Other than the Programme, he organised each week,
Fundraising events, he tried to seek,
With the charitable status, at the back of his mind,
Our ongoing expenses too, dare say he had to find…
Recall all the Dog Shows he attracted each year,
And Pet Shows children(and parents), with their pets did appear,
Hoping to win first prize, with their Cat,
Tortoise, Hamster, Dog, Budgie, sometimes a Rat…
Another loved attraction was the Forth Valley Chorus,
Their Barber Shop singing, certainly entertained us,
Table Sales in the big hall, used to take a trick too,
Not forgetting the Flower Shows, where you met people you knew…
But sad to say it’s back to our thoughts,
For this legend call Pud, praising his sojourn there’s surely is lots,
From past Chairpersons, Volunteers to name a few,
We all wish him good fortune, and an endearing adieu…
by Burns Scott