In light of recent facebook posts we would like to clarify our position around the exit of School’s Out Penicuik from Ladywood Leisure Centre.

School’s Out Penicuik refused to pay facility hire at a time when the Centre was not fully operational from a lockdown. Following an initial rent free period to establish the provision School’s Out Penicuik refused to compensate Ladywood fairly for use of facilities resulting in a decision to give notice. Without action this could have caused the closure of Ladywood Leisure Centre.

After 6 month’s having paid absolutely no fees School’s Out Penicuik still have a £2400 bill outstanding. Perceive Action C.I.C who run School’s Out Penciuik went on to threaten legal action to gain compensation for their move, this was unsuccessful.

Had the Directors of Perceive Action C.I.C behaved in a fair and reasonable manor it is likely that School’s Out Penicuik would still be part of Ladywood Centre today.

We are in touch with families affected by the Y childcare closure and have offered support to the Y and Midlothian Council to ensure continuity.

Our commitment to support all members of our community is unwavering.